Guidelines for free paper presentation


  1. Free paper presentation speakers will be provided 8 minutes for the presentation. The slot for the same is divided into 6 minutes for Presentation and 2 minutes for Discussion.
  2. Please strictly adhere to the time.
  3. There shall be a system of auto-cut of presentations after the allocated time. A Buzzer will go off 2 minutes before & at the end of the allocated time. At the onset of auto-cut all the screens will go blank. Please come prepared to finish the presentation within allocated time only.
  4. The presentation will have to be in Microsoft PowerPoint format (.pptx) with the required photographs, tables and graphs that should be very unambiguous and legible.
  5. We request all the delegates to be on time at the venue of presentation.
  6. The Certificates will only be given to the participants who are physically presenting their paper at the conference. We suggest you to carry your identity cards along with your delegate badge.
  7. Presenters of Free Papers are requested to send their presentation files by email to at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time.